Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Living in a box. A myopia pertaining to the inability to see beyond ones own experiences.
What a dose


CHAOS' tags can be found all over Barcelona. He is one of the cities most prolific taggers.
BOXHEAD (i think that's his name) is found in quite a few spots in a few different guises. I don't believe I have any more photos though. If only I was a wee bit more organised....

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Corazónes y Cabezas

los corazónes del hombres romperían sin problemas. no son tan facil arreglarlos. pero encontraría lo peor peligrosa es en el cabeza. en el mente.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011 veo de reojo...

Ví de reojo una mujer con piel blanco. La ví y me sorprendio. No se como pero ella pudo ver a traves de mi. Dentro. De fuera. Ella me dijo, "porque no sonreis con más de tu boca. Porque puedo ver las grietas en tu corazon? Porque piensas que solo existas al centro de tu cabeza. ¡Escapate! Eres más"

hands free

Always on the up. Subir. Aumentar. From 1972 until today and on, at an ever increasing speed of life. Lets try to fit everything in to the shortest space of time. But really what is a space of time? I can't take hold of it or even see a space of time...

...even so, a space almost implies an emptiness. A void across which things pass...

time is richness. full to the brim

Friday, 9 September 2011

amor oscuro

...its hidden in amongst the darkest corners of yourself. and general it reflects badly on you...
it is myth and fallacy.